Enrollment Application

Enrollment Application

  • Thank you for choosing to apply to St. Paul Dorchester. Applications will be considered based on availability. A separate application must be submitted for EACH child that you are applying for. Upon acceptance, a $165 fee for the first child and $75 for each additional child, is due to the main office to enroll at St. Paul Lutheran School.
  • Student Information

  • Parent Information

  • Student Information

  • Former School Information

  • Religious Affiliations

  • Please note: New students are accepted on a probationary basis. Students’ academic achievement and behavior are closely monitored during the first quarter of the school year. I consent that all information that has been provided is true, correct, and complete. I understand that in order for my application to be complete, I must submit all school records, a copy of my child’s birth certificate, and any additional documentation the school requests.
  • Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY